We import materials from international markets such as Turkey, Italy, India, Brazil, South Africa and Portugal among others.
Crema Marfil
Its chromatic richness, its excellent polishing, its excellent physical qualities and its resistance to impact, combined with a low water absorption coefficient make it the preferred option when choosing a cream marble.
Rojo Alicante
A reddish marble originating in Alicante, has many streaks of light colors, depending on each block these may be more or less abundant.
Gris Deba
Recrystallized reef limestone, with fossil remains. Compacted and fine grain. Bluish gray color, relatively dark. Generally with little grain.
Caliza Capri
Marble originating in Spain, white with small sparkles in cream. It is used for all types of constructions.
In Nero Mármoles we are at your disposal to answer any questions you have about our company and the installation or distribution of our products.